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Urban Beauty Academy – Open Day – 11 May 2019

Simply submit your email address if you are interested in registering for a course.

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Welcome to Urban Beauty Academy

Urban Beauty Academy is an institution that specialises in providing students with quality education and individualised training in order to maintain high standards required by the health and skincare industry. Urban Beauty Academy offers specialised modules and full time courses that allows the cosmopolitan woman to enter into the diverse field of beauty technology at their own convenience.

Founded in 2013, Urban Beauty Academy has experienced great success thus far in successfully passed 3 groups of students. The lecturers employed are highly qualified assessors and moderators, hence producing world class training and beauty therapists of a high calibre. Our training style is personalized, as we try to feed your passion, rather than make it a daunting task.

Job opportunities are endless… and if starting your own business is what you dream of, we’ll help you every step of the way.


Urban Beauty Academy is a health and skincare training centre and is fully accredited as a centre of excellence.

Accreditations: Services Seta – Sector Education and Training Authority – Accreditation No :9661

[mk_button dimension=”outline” corner_style=”rounded” size=”large” url=”http://www.urbanbeauty.co.za/the-academy/enrolment/” align=”center” fullwidth=”true” margin_top=”15″ outline_skin=”custom” outline_active_color=”#6ccfc9″ outline_hover_color=”#ffffff”]Apply Today[/mk_button]
[mk_button dimension=”outline” corner_style=”rounded” size=”large” url=”http://www.urbanbeauty.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/UBA-Prospectus.pdf” target=”_blank” align=”center” fullwidth=”true” margin_top=”15″ outline_skin=”custom” outline_active_color=”#6ccfc9″ outline_hover_color=”#ffffff”]Prospectus[/mk_button]

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