The Urban Beauty Academy Vision

The UBA strategic thrust envisions an organisation celebrated for its recognised leadership in empowering through training and development in the beauty industry. To this extent its vision, mission and values articulate this envisaged ideal.


Recognised leaders in providing empowering opportunities through accredited professional training and development interventions for women who have a passion to succeed in the health and wellness industry.


To provide internationally recognised, best professional standards of training and development in the beauty &hair therapy industries with the conscious aim of delivering rightly skilled employable therapists and entrepreneurs.

[mk_button dimension=”outline” corner_style=”rounded” size=”large” outline_skin=”custom” outline_active_color=”#6ccfc9″ outline_hover_color=”#ffffff” url=”” align=”center” fullwidth=”true” margin_top=”15″]Apply Today[/mk_button]
[mk_button dimension=”outline” corner_style=”rounded” size=”large” outline_skin=”custom” outline_active_color=”#6ccfc9″ outline_hover_color=”#ffffff” url=”” align=”center” fullwidth=”true” margin_top=”15″]Prospectus[/mk_button]
[mk_title_box color=”#ffffff” highlight_opacity=”0.8″ font_weight=”normal” margin_top=”30″ font_family=”none” align=”center”]Our Core Values[/mk_title_box][vc_accordions style=”simple-style” action_style=”toggle-action” container_bg_color=””]


We believe all good start with self-love, self-respect and self-belief


The development of self, through asking questions, learning informed by latent potential.


Of disadvantaged women through training and employment opportunities.


Quality for us is measured in our training, environment, service and the products we use.


Advancing a wellness mind-set to enhance women’s confidence and well-being.

Professional Service

Developing a local South African brand of the highest quality accessible to all communities irrespective of class or status.
